
Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday Feature Book Review: Think & Grow RICH: Napoleon Hill 思考は現実化する: ナポレオン ヒル

This may be the very first business self-help book ever written. Andrew Carnegie, who sold Carnegie Steel to financier J.P. Morgan for US$480Million in 1901, is the book's great inspiration. He would be a billionaire today, and one of very few in the world. He surpassed oil king John D. Rockefeller, as the richest American at that time. This M&A became US Steel and is still listed today as USX. It is his very humble beginnings from nothing, that lead him to great riches. Built upon the mental attitude it takes to be successful, when many others fail to meet and achieve their goals. 

There are many great observations made by this business titan, and luckily the author was able to hear and write down many of his most worthwhile lessons of success. That lifetime of valuable business lessons is what this book is about. They are the personal success notes from one of the world's first billionaires. A very valuable set of tips to learn from. Luckily, these notes were shared with others like Henry Ford (Ford Motor Company), Thomas Edison (General Electric), and George Eastman who created Kodak. Many other politicians and other great men were able to put these lessons into practice and be successful.

As a boy, Andrew Carnegie learned & studied in a library. This gave him the foundation that prepared him for global business later on. He later used his fortune to fund libraries for others to follow in his own footsteps. He developed many of his own rules that included the 6 desires for gold, the value of the master mind, and the 5 drivers of self confidence. 

He was a great manager of men and could recognize talent early on. This was because of his principles that recognized proven clues to leaderships and 31 flaws common with failure. He developed a self awareness inventory of core abilities based on 28 points. Despite so many ways to best understand the ability to create ideas, it is the persistence needed to carry them out, that often wins the day. It is perhaps the most important trait needed to be successful. Focus and determination are key drivers for a never ending self improvement of your personal skills. Ultimately, success is about "life long learning", never a single lesson.

The Top 3 Takeaways from this book that impact any reader are:

1) You need to identify your goals for whatever you want in life, and give yourself a deadline to get them done.

2) You need to associate with positive like minded people who can help you achieve your goals. you need to form a "Master Mind" circle of mentors.

3) You need to have a clear idea on your strengths and weaknesses. Once they are clear to yourself, you must focus on changing any weaknesses into strengths.

Life can impact any career and a spouse can certainly make or break many a career. All of these key points are more are well described and explained within this great book originally written in 1937. It is timeless and stands the test of time.

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